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Look for the rainbow flag to start flying on state veterans home.

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On New Year's Eve, issued Attorney General Jerry Brown office a statement that gays, lesbians and transgender military vets who live in California are entitled to all publicly funded veteran benefits, including veterans' housing. And, yes, their gays domestic partners covered too.

"We take this opportunity," Los Angeles-based agent AG Marc Nolan wrote, "to make it clear that, under California law, neither military veterans or their registered domestic partners may be discriminated against in the provision of state-funded veterans' benefits on the basis of their gender or sexual orientation, the federal Ask Do not Tell policy notwithstanding. "

The opinion had been sought by the California Commission on the Status of Women, who noted that the federal policies have contributed to "a widespread view among military veterans that discrimination against LGBT veterans are acceptable in any military setting."

The statement points out that the state anti-discrimination laws prevent denial of state-funded benefits, including preferences in civil service exams, tuition waivers and property tax exemptions.

Although gays and lesbians discharged from the military because of their sexual orientation get benefits.

"It does not look like a service member sexual orientation, in itself," Nolan wrote, "will lead him or her to get an" other than honorable conditions "discharge, and this will be the case even if the member sexual orientation formed the basis of a 'homosexual behavior' separation from service under Do not Ask Do not Tell. "

Look for disco nights at the veterans home. The Village People's "In the Navy" will probably be a popular request.

I think your use of the tired stereotypes is outrageous. While I'm Legal Pad think this is very funny and tongue in cheek, demeans the reputation of the institution you work for and has no place in this forum. Denial of equal benefits to gays and lesbians is deadly serious. In the next 24 hours, over this state and country, innocent gays and lesbians people being beaten and killed by hypocrites who thrive on just your kind of humor. Rainbow Flag and the Village People? Stick to the facts and leave the bias out of this forum.

I plan amendments Marine who was discharged under DADT. It has been ten long years of humiliation and emotional wreck losing something I loved so much and has taken away from me. I have met many things during my civilian time here in California where I have been discriminated against at work because of my discharge. So not only do I and I have delt with this in the past, I get to deal with it every time I apply for a job. Now I am possibly facing not given Veteran status for a federal job because of it. How is it fair for a service member to serve only six months and have an honorable discharge and get all the benefits awarded to him. But I do not get it. All my GI Bill benefits that I paid for was not assigned to me, and I was never told a real reason why. I seek answers now, I'm not hiding in shame that was put on me. There seems to be a real person to deal with gay issues of the military. I can not be the only person suffering from this. Thousands have been discharged under DADT, what happens to them?

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