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Diablo 3 best place for farming ON diablohome12.21

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Plot Point: The season is summer, but for some reason snow is still falling. Marisa's Detective Agency (Marisa, Alice, Patchouli, Flandre) has been holed up in the Hakurei Shrine, and Reimu wants them to stop freeloading, so she kicks them out and tells them to go find out why it's still snowing. However, before they leave Mokou Keine show up and request that the Detectives go find Mokou's "fiery core" that has gone missing.
Yet, the most important things which relate to that character are the magical powers, the looks of the Witch Doctor stand for an almost irrelevant point. Moreover, the character will usually use a mask, also called headgear, on his or her face. But, the video game developers have included a lot more components, which transformed this specific character into a real beast, having a absolutely "sick" side.
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